A quick request - forward onto five pals!

Let's grow this newsletter together

Hello, newsletter pals. Though Survival Signal is in its adolescent phase, I’ve already received some amazing feedback on this newsletter. Only one is from my mother - can you guess which one?

Can I ask for a quick favor for everyone on copy to send this to five friends or colleagues or random strangers that would find the content useful. There’s a helpful subscribe button directly below (and at the end).

Survival Signal aims to help freelancers and workers everywhere find joy in their work and survive the AI-driven future. Whether you have your own business or consultancy, are contemplating launching one, or are just concerned about surviving and thriving when workers continue to reside in a power gap with bosses, this newsletter is for you.

I’m embedding some of my early greatest hits here, and some positive comments below. Let’s get a bit of network effect. New newsletter on the two types of consultancies you can have tomorrow! But, first, let’s all commit to getting a few new subs.

I enjoyed your most recent newsletter Keith. A lot of takeaways even for someone who isn't a solo entrepreneur (although aren't we all in some way?)

Thank you for this opportunity to share!! This feature is such a great idea!💡

Loved this article…..and I am one of the lucky ones who loved what I did….i couldn’t wait to wake up and go to work…

I loved every word of the profile.  Well done Keith.